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Kabini Holiday Package - Welcome to the beautiful place of Kabini. Visit Kabini Tour Package to get the best deals on Holiday Package in Kabini.
The rainfall influences the flora of Kabini Park to a great extent. Most parts contain dry-deciduous forests and moist-deciduous forests. Moist deciduous exist in the region where the annual rainfall usually exceeds 1000mm and dry-deciduous where the rainfall is lesser. The park is also home to assorted microhabitat types like hadlus, which are shallow clayey valley bottoms containing swamp savannas and short grass clearings or veiwlines, which are meant to help game viewing for the tourists. Trees offering flowers, such as Flame of the Forest, Indian Coral Tree, Red Silk Cotton, Indian Laburnum and the Padri, appear lovely and add color to the park. The Kabini River is marked by a dam, which creates a big lake dominated by Giant Bamboo on its banks.